Monday, November 4, 2013

Schools Loaded With Bullies ‘n’ Bullets

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2013: I’m sure most of my readers in the US have seen the car bumper stickers where proud parents boast about how their public school aged honor students are kicking ass… academically. What a wonderful way to encourage these kids, who, after all, will need to be intellectually curious and well prepared to lead our world into the future.

However, if you drive around long enough, wherever you may live in lowercase america, you’ll eventually spot a bumper sticker where butthead parents use the rear end of their cars to boast about how their kids are kicking ass… literally. More specifically: 

I believe far more than crass capitalism (at its worst) is to blame, here. Any “entrepreneurs” who’d manufacture and huckster such vile, violence inciting products have got to be feeling nostalgic for their glory days as vicious school bullies. Little doubt, they’ve snagged their “dream” jobs; the perfect blend of savage business and sadistic pleasure.

Their bumper stickers, in part, “validate” bullies, who’ve morphed into present-day stick-figure parents; who are raising their kids to be the spitting image of themselves; raising their own offspring to raise hell. Their spawned “little ones” are spawning a nightmare that we, as a society, are finding difficult to wake up from.

Some would say that such stickers are “just” a joke and I should lighten up. But, I cannot.

Not when I, myself, was a victim of bullying.

Not when the next public school mass murder is not a matter of “if’ but “when”. By now, the mass media must’ve developed a form story; all a reporter need do is simply fill in the blanks with the date and time, school name, shooter’s name and body count.

Must we turn our schools into warzones with in-house SWAT teams and MASH units? Must administrators have teachers teach from behind bulletproof glass walls? Arm instructors with assault rifles and revise student dress codes to require bulletproof helmets and Kevlar vests?

Not when cyber-bullying routinely, negatively impacts student bodies within our nation’s public school system. While becoming a victim is not gender specific, demographically, this most frequently affects girls who are aged 10 thru 14. Victims oft wind up withdrawn, depressed and engage in substance abuse and other reckless behavior. Some become runaways; join the ranks of the milk carton portrait missing. Worst-case scenario, others are eventually driven by their tormentors to kill themselves. The stats show that, annually, 4,400 kids find suicide to be their only way out. And for every suicide, there are 100 attempts.

Let’s get into some specifics, now, with regards to a former Florida, Crystal Lake Middle School student, Rebecca Sedwick.

You can read the more detailed story and view the related vid, HERE, but, suffice to say, this tormented teen was forced to endure up to 15 female bullies led astray by two ringleader girls, ages 14 and 12; the 12-year-old was formerly Rebecca’s best friend, no less. As for the 14-year-old bully, she threatened to beat up Rebecca and told her “to drink bleach and die.”

Rebecca’s mom was left little choice but to homeschool her daughter until she could arrange a transfer to a new “safer” school. But, there could be no escape; no way out. Not when cyber-bullying is the latest rage. And, yes, RAGE is the perfect word for it. This young student’s tormentors were always laying in wait; skulking in the murky shadows of cyberspace; all plotting to ensnare their victim within their mangled, tangled WWW.

Feeling utterly devastated, by September 9, 2013, Rebecca was driven to desperation. Her tormentors’ incessant harassment caused her to jump off a tower at an abandoned concrete plant… to her death.

How did the 14-year-old bully react? Check out this anti-social social network / Facebook comment, which she is alleged to have posted.

“Yes, ik I bullied REBECCA nd she killed her self but IDGAF <3”

Oh, did you note how this commenter punctuated her seething with hatred rage with a cutesy heart symbol. Nice touch, huh? What? No smiley faces?

Imagine the gall of a bully who doesn’t feel that she’s done anything wrong and experiences zero remorse? As if what? Her bullying didn’t cause Rebecca’s death? And to top it all off she brags about it. As if what? She can get away with murder. And please note that I didn’t end that previous sentence with a question mark. Why?

Because Rebecca’s tormentors likely will get away with murder. It’s easy to see how they will get off scot-free. Here in lowercase american “society” even the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass murder was not a wake up call. Nope, the enough is enough outrage society felt after 20 innocent children got mowed down during the December holidays was short-lived. America's sorrow was not contagious on Capitol Hill where the (mostly GOP’s) heedless, headless, heartless US senators and representatives didn’t give a damn about making the required, common sense changes in gun laws to make our public schools safer. Nope, these NRA owned politicians never intended to take even the smallest baby steps toward the betterment of society.

Orlando Florida attorney David Hill says the parents of those who bullied Rebecca could be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor; i.e., IF the alleged daddies and mommies knew of the bullying and chose not to stop it; of course IF being the operative word. After all, ignoramuses (masquerading as parents) could always plead ignorance.

New Jersey lawyer Perry Aftab said it would be tough to convict anyone accused of causing a person to commit suicide, in part, because of our laws that protect free speech! Imagine that! Words that kill are a constitutional right?

Whatever the outcome, here’s where this case stands as of 10/30/13. Both the 14 and 12 year old, were arrested on 10/21/13 and pled not guilty to the charge of felony aggravated stalking; their arraignment is tentatively scheduled for 11/21/13.

Folks, Rebecca’s death has reopened old wounds… my own. From the fourth grade onward, bullies relentlessly picked on me. I was unable to do something as simple as walking through my public school’s hallways without being mercilessly taunted and teased. What made this unwanted attention even harder to fathom was that nearly all of these bullies were total strangers to me. Just how could anyone, who I had never even met, who I could’ve never wronged in any imaginable way, vent such hostility towards me?

Even more incredulous, one bully, who I did know by name, Jerry, delivered the daily newspaper to my home’s doorstep. He obviously didn’t see the inherently bad biz practice of bullying the son of one of his paying customers; something my dad had to sternly point out to him when he ordered my tormentor to cease and desist. You want to know the kicker to this story? So unmoved by my father’s lecture; so unwilling to back down from bullying me; this kid quit his paper route.

But bullies were not content to attack me verbally. Here are just four of many examples.

Incident One: While on the playground teeter-totter with a friend, one of these bullies, who just happened to be passing by, decided to jump on the other end. His sudden extra weight catapulted me into the air and on the way down, my sudden impact (with both the teeter-totter and ground) netted me an ugly, painful black and blue bump / contusion on my forehead.

Incident Two: In another playground incident, this time, right after I had eaten my lunch. One bully used a “full nelson hold” on me so I could not use my own arms to protect myself; so his pal could easily deliver his painful punch to my stomach; one that almost made me vomit.

Incident Three: Even summer vacation offered no escape. I vividly recall frantically pedaling my bike to escape a gang of my tormentors; only to fall and scrape my outer thigh on the rough concrete of my home’s driveway. As I picked myself up, I could hear these bullies’ guffaws and catcalls in the distance. They were obviously ecstatic over my misery; my injuries and pain.

Incident Four: The most degrading, depressing experience of all occurred one cold winter morning at the bus stop (that pick-up point being a nearby high school). While waiting inside for the arrival of bus #17, which would take me to my elementary school, bully Kenny went over to a drinking fountain, filled up his foul mouth with water, turned around and took aim. With the fists of both his hands, he next punched his cheeks to geyser that spit and water… right at me… most of it winding up on my face. Thoroughly pleased with himself, with a nasty smirk, he then walked away, laughing with glee. I walked, too. All the way home. I missed school that day; just one of countless others where I was routinely denied a nonthreatening environment to obtain my education.

So where was the support system I was suppose to have? When I reported school incidents to my unsympathetic, pathetic “teachers”; those who were purportedly there to protect and help me, what did I get? Well, when shown my injuries from the teeter-totter incident, I instantly sensed teach’s “Eh… so what? insensitivity. She neither bothered to ask if I was feeling pain or dizziness nor did she as much as suggest that the school nurse examine me.

On another occasion, the “teacher” imparted her advice, “It takes two to make a fight.” As if what? Turn the other cheek? As if what? The totally unprovoked abuse I was receiving was half my fault? Or maybe in her mind, these incidents were, somehow, ALL my fault?

And I do remind my readers that I had done absolutely nothing to warrant any of these attacks. But I suppose my mere existence was reason enough.

When my parents wrote a note to the school principle (let’s call him by his name, Dwight), he could not muster enough common decency and compassion to discretely call me down to his private office to discuss the matter. Instead, dimwit Dwight opted to publically chew me out, point his finger right in my stunned, horrified face. He actually accused me of being a liar! At that point, I was feeling about one centimeter tall.

Dwight’s merciless tirade took place right before (the suddenly gone dead silent) school lunchroom; filled with hundreds of kids (and you guessed it) that was inclusive of my tormentors. He obviously didn’t take kindly to my folks pointing out the obvious; that he had lost control over his cesspool school (if he ever really had any control to begin with). And he was far too arrogant and ignorant to realize how he, himself, had just added HIS VERY OWN NAME to the already long list of bullies who were making my so-called life an absolute, unbearable hell.

And right on cue, Dwight had emboldened the very bullies he should’ve been chewing out. But I do suppose he was merely employing a bit of cost (d)effective time management. It was far easier to tear into one defenseless kid, me, than deal with several dozen brazen bullies. His unspoken message to my tormentors was abundantly clear, i.e., those who they victimized would be punished; not them; a fact that they endlessly reveled in. From that point onward, their taunting words would constantly remind me of how the principal had scolded me.

This totally unwarranted humiliation left me feeling despair that no kid should ever be forced to endure. The unfinished portion of my bag lunch wound up in the trash receptacle. Noon recess followed and as I ran from the school, wishing I could run much farther away than the playground, I slipped on some wet gravel, fell and scraped my ankle. The only “plus”, here, was my tormentors hadn’t been there to enjoy seeing that.

So, you can see how I can identify with a story, such as Rebecca’s. Suffice to say, the only reason I hadn’t committed suicide like she did, was my (then) naiveté re that “option”.  

So, just how did I cope? My only escape was using any and every ailment / injury as an excuse for absenting myself from Dwight’s pro-bully school. To that end, my allergies to airborne particulates played a prominent role. I mean, unless somebody took my temperature, my red and runny nose, coughing, wheezing and sneezing made it easy to fake colds.

I was only able to keep up with my studies / pass my teachers’ tests because both of my parents were teachers (Mom: English and Literature; Dad: Math and the Sciences). I suppose one could say that, for the most part, I was home schooled long before it became “fashionable”. And to make an educated guess, here, I’d say that many of my pro-bully teachers, while taking roll call, were all too happy to see the frequently empty chair behind my assigned desk.

Being the victim of childhood bullies I grew up to see our world as an unfit place to raise children. And unless that were ever to change, I will never change my decision to not father any children. And, believe me, tragedies, such as Rebecca Sedwick’s bully induced suicide, only strengthen my POV re the inhuman race.

Of course, my own personal, no kids policy still doesn’t alter the fact that lowercase america is where stick figure parents routinely dump their tyrant / terrorist spawn into our public schools. Bumper stickers, which boast, “My Kid Can Beat Up Your Honor Student” all point toward a sick society, one which can only turn out a bumper crop of bullies and endless barrages of ricocheting bullets.

Since children are the future… well… left unchecked, bullies will become “our” future elected officials. Wait a sec… will become? Did I just type that?

To get real here, the bullies have already been elected and sworn in. During the recent US Government shutdown, we all became eyewitness to the reprehensible Tea Party; a.k.a. the first wave of bully politicians (whose hero worship most likely centers on the bullies / torturers / sociopaths from the previous admin; i.e., the now X prez W Bush and XVP Dick Cheney).

As for the second wave?  Those who bullied Rebecca Sedwick, until she committed suicide, can and will be elected to high office, someday. It makes me glad that, at best, I only have about 10 to 20 years left before my demise.

As for the (in the minority) decent people who'll survive me? You have my pity.

As for those stick figure entities and their “hatched” zygotes who'll survive me? You’ve made your bed and you’ll have to lie in it. You wretched types can only have the wretched world you create.

To put that into computer parlance:

Garbage In = Garbage Out

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